Web Links
The following links are to the web sites of societies, organisations and companies which may be of interest. Some are the sites of groups to which I belong, others are sites which I regularly visit and have found to be either useful or enjoyable.
Regia Anglorum - www.regia.org - (early medieval historical re-enactment)Aircraft resource centre - www.aircraftresourcecenter.com - (covers all aspects of aviation modelling)
Armorama- www.armorama.com - (a good all round military modelling site)
Steel navy- www.steelnavy.com - (covers all aspects of maritime modelling)
The Miniatures Page -www.theminiaturespage.com - (all things table top war-gaming)
Gauge '0' Guild - www.gauge0guild.com - (1/43rd scale model railways)
S-scale Society - www.s-scale.org.uk - (1/64th scale 'scratch built' model railways)
'Scale4' Society - scalefour.org.uk - (Exact scale railway modelling in 1/76th scale)
'EM' Gauge Society - emgs.org - (1/76th scale model railways)
Pendon Museum - www.pendonmuseum.com - (This should need no introduction!)
Historic Model railway Society - www.hmrs.org.uk - (Good general model railway site)
Miniatura International Exhibitions - www.miniatura.co.uk - (High quality miniaturists exhibition)
Kensington Dolls House Festival - www.dollshousefestival.com - (High quality miniaturists exhibition)
Rise of Flight - www.riseofflight.com - (an old but glorious flight simulator)
IL-2 Flying Circus - www.il2sturmovik.com.com - (the successor to the above flight simulator)