Props, Costumes & FX Miniatures for Stage & Screen.
As a child I really wanted to become a special effects model and prop maker. However, when I looked into this two things became apparent; Firstly it was an industry driven by changes of plan constantly eroding already tight deadlines such that people rarely have the time to work to the best of their ability. Secondly computer modelling, animation and rapid prototyping was going to, and subsequently has replaced a lot of the hand crafted artistry of the work I most enjoy. Consequently my creative interests developed to focus largely upon making small sized display case models, miniature paintings, full size period costumes and a wide array of both fully functional and purely aesthetic replica historic artefacts which I now supply to museums, experimental archaeologists, historical re-enactors and other private collectors. Little of what I have done was initially marketed at stage or screen but nevertheless others have found applications for all my varied skills working for clients ranging from small amateur dramatic groups, video games companies and advertising agencies to major TV corporations, Oscar/BAFTA award winners along with a little work for other prop and FX model making companies sub-contracting out parts of projects they cannot complete in-house. In addition to "behind the scenes" work there have also been odd moments where I've been employed in front of the camera for documentary work using my own personal historic costumes, replica tools and period equipment to demonstrate aspects of various traditional or heritage crafts. Given the above, please feel free to take a look through all of this web site as I see this one page more as an entry point to everything I do, not a place to re-list it all on one page under the heading of Stage and Screen.

There's not a lot by way of small sized arts, model making or traditional craft work I've not been involved with at some point or another. So whether you've the germ of an idea you wish to chat about, or a detailed brief you want a formal quote upon, feel free to contact me and we'll see just how much can be squeezed into the limited deadlines typical of clients working in the fields of stage and screen.