Other Miscellaneous Work.

My main hobby and passion in life is researching all manner of traditional artisan skills for hand making a wide range of items and over the years there's not many arts and crafts I've not tried. In many cases this has not just been practical experimentation but academic research where I'm well read with a pretty extensive library on the history and archaeology of many day to day skills that evolved technically into specialist trades and industries. It was this love that saw me set up my business where I've somehow earned the reputation as "the chap to go to when you don't know who to go to". I love the challenge of taking on a problem where there are no approved or accepted methods for solving it, the simple reason being nobody has ever needed anything like it making before.

Aidan Campbell random slide show

So you might think that what you want is something weird or esoteric but there's little left that can surprise me by way of client requests. Indeed there was the enquiry at an international doll's house fair from a chap wanting models of period breeds of sheep sculpting for his miniature Tudor farm but who didn't know which breeds would be appropriate. As part of my period costuming research for museums I happened to have about my person for some bed time reading at the hotel, an archaeological study of late medieval fleece types so could take him through an in depth analysis of exactly what he'd need sculpting. Or there was the advertising client wanting miniature sunglasses making for meerkats who thought it an odd request until I informed them the job I was working on at the point they contacted me was making miniature spectacles for spiders. Or I could mention an enquiry where I was first approached about sculpting awards/trophies for a national competition to be held at one of my old universities. Over the course of the conversation this had morphed into a discussion about producing bespoke luxury Christmas crackers just because a chance comment highlighted a crossover of abilities between myself and a part time business interest of the potential customer who had first contacted me about something entirely different. It's a funny old world as they say! So no matter how odd or unusual you think your needs are please feel free to get in touch, just don't be too surprised if it turns out that what you want isn't actually that unusual after all and is something I've already read about or tried before.


"Fantastic, even better in real life than in the photos. We're absolutely delighted so thank you for all your hard work."
Aileen Peirce, Historic Royal Palaces, Tower of London

"They look amazing... Well done you've pulled the rabbit out of the hat for us. I've shown the miniatures to a couple of people and they have been in awe."
Dan Smith, BAFTA winning director.

"I would like to thank Aidan for his excellent work which was completed in very good time... which was further backed up by compliments from senior staff on the day of the presentation."
Clive Breen, Rolls-Royce Plc

"I am writing to you as a great admirer of your natural wools and was very grateful for the fabric you supplied us for the costumes on the film Macbeth."
Jacqueline Durran, Oscar & BAFTA winning costumier

"Speechless!!! The castings look great; your sculpting, communications and scheduling cannot be faulted in any way. If asked to recommend a sculptor, you'll be number ONE on my list. "
Mr. A. Burton, Ancient Buzzard Models

"What you produced was incredible and achieved in such a short deadline... thank you for all your hard work!"
Carly Hewitt, Frank PR

"That is good advice... the images you have provided are great. Many thanks."
Samantha Nott, BBC History magazine

(click for more testimonials)